Participate in research

Being part of the research can benefit your health, the well-being of a loved one, or help someone you don’t know.

By participating, you can:

  •   Shape and evaluate research projects so they incorporate the lived experience of heart failure
  •   Learn more about your own health and care to benefit yourself
  •   Gain access to leading healthcare professionals and cutting-edge treatments, technology, and care
  •   Contribute to new diagnostic, treatments or care that improve lives of people living with heart failure

Some studies may offer participants financial compensation. Please see our Patient Compensation Policy to learn about how we recognize patient partners for their contributions.

Why Participate in Research

Testimonial from Bill Fitzpatrick, Research Participant

“It feels good! I’m alive today because of everyone here at UHN. So being part of research, it’s a little bit of effort, but also a way to pay back for helping me survive through heart failure.”

Bill Fitzpatrick

Types of engagement in research

Engaging in research can be much more than consenting to join a study – although that is essential and important as we couldn’t do it without you. You can:

  • Be part of a team developing a research proposal
  • Be a lay reviewer on the peer review panel evaluating research proposals
  • Be part of an advisory committee – influencing our priorities and activities as a result of research findings.
  • Be a study participant.
  • Help discuss and promote research findings so more people understand and apply this new knowledge.

What to Know Before Engaging as a Study Participant

Many protections are in place to safeguard the rights and safety of research participants.

However, before you participate in a research study, there are still some things you should make yourself aware of:

  • What are the criteria for participation? Are you eligible?
  • Has the study been approved by a Research Ethics Board?
  • What is the purpose of the study? Why and how is research being conducted?
  • What are the risks associated with participation?
  • How will your privacy be protected?
  • Where does the study take place? Is it virtual or in-person?
  • Are there costs associated with participation (i.e. travel)? If so, will you be reimbursed?
  • What are the benefits of participating? Is there compensation available?
  • What are your expectations of you as a study participant?
  • What is the length of participation/anticipated time commitment?
  • Who can you contact for more information or to withdraw?

As a research participant, you are free to withdraw at any time. Your participation is totally voluntary.

To learn more about the different types of clinical trials and how they advance understanding of diseases and how to treat them, check out the Heart Failure Society of America’s (HFSA) Patient Education Module on Clinical Trials. For a more in-depth exploration of the importance of clinical trials and how to participate in them, HFSA also offers a patient-centered tutorial on clinical trials.

Introduction to Patient Engagement in Research Webinar

Always wondered what happens on a research project behind-the-scenes? Wanted to be part of a team interpreting all those results?

Join the Heart Hub as we introduce the role of people with lived experience (PWLE) as partners in health research. In this session we outline frameworks for engagement, provide examples of patient partners in action and share helpful resources and strategies to get involved.

Anne Simard, TRANSFORM HF’s Director of Strategy and Translation, co-present with PWLE partners Rene Adams, Heather Cartwright, and Todd Murray, who also share their personal experiences with engaging in research.

The webinar concludes with a panel Q&A and information on how to participate in future trainings and research opportunities.