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Events at this venue

Shaking it Up! The latest on salt and other HF research discoveries


Registrants will be entered to win 1 of 4 Heart Hub T-Shirts! The draw will be held at the end of the event. About this event Join Dr. Heather Ross, registered dietician Margaret Brum and nurse practitioner Stella Kozuszko for this free patient-moderated session. The webinar will cover innovations in heart failure research, in particular the latest findings on sodium and diet, and will also highlight the importance of patient participation in research and ways to get involved. Participants questions and input are welcome. PLUS get a sneak preview of the new Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research patient education site.

ECHO Pitch Competition


Five cardiovascular health start-ups will face off for up to $250,000 in front of a panel of judges and a virtual audience at TBEP's annual Entrepreneurship for Cardiovascular Health Opportunities (ECHO) Pitch Competition.