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Ted Rogers Centre 2021 Trainee Day

On Friday, June 25th, the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research will hold their first-ever Trainee Day, in a virtual capacity. It will feature: Poster presentations: Trainees will showcase their intriguing new multidisciplinary projects in five minutes. There will be prizes! Workshops: Professionals will conduct 15-minute practical talks on subjects hand-picked by their committee of trainees. Areas include career planning, conducting collaborative research, and how to break in with industry. It is open to all interested cardiovascular trainees across Canada who work in both labs and clinics. Visit the event page to register and to submit a poster abstract.

ECHO Webinar featuring Dr. Gavin Oudit

Title: "Apelin Analogs as Novel Biologics for Cardiovascular Disease” Who: Dr. Gavin Oudit, founder, PEARKO Therapeutics Date: Tuesday, June 15 Time: 11 a.m. – Noon Pre-register at:   * ECHO is an entrepreneurship training program, funded and organized in a partnership between the Translational Biology and Engineering Program (TBEP), the University of Toronto component of the Ted Rogers Centre for Heart Research, and the Health Innovation Hub (H2i).


Heart Failure Update: 2021 Conference

The Canadian Heart Failure Society is bringing together a global audience for this exciting and interactive event focusing on the theme, Rebooting Successful Heart Failure Care in 2021. This year, the conference will be held virtually on May 7-8 2021. Who Should Participate: Healthcare professionals involved in heart failure care: Cardiologists (community & academic) Internal Medicine Specialists & Hospitalists Nurses & Allied Health Professionals Trainees The Canadian Heart Failure Society is delighted to announce that they will be jointly presenting sessions with the Heart Failure Association of the ESC, the Heart Failure Society of America and JACC: Heart Failure. These will feature live online panel discussions, Q&A and an interactive chat so be sure not to miss out! Choose from an array of online workshops and Corridor Consult sessions, attend symposia and connect with colleagues and faculty through CHFS’s social networking platform. 2021 Program Highlights: New HF Guidelines! Dedicated ACUTE HF track – attention hospitalists! What’s new in HF: AI, Imaging, HR control and more… HFpEF: Diagnosis & treatment: 5 things to know about each Environmental effects on the failing heart Online workshops including virtual monitoring, goals of care & POCUS CHFS is pleased to offer free on-demand content to CHFS members following the conference. To view rates and register visit